In focus of Fuel Division

The nuclear fuel for 294 PWR nuclear power plant (NPP) units all over the world is produced by 16 nuclear fuel fabrication plants located in 12 countries. There are 58 VVER reactor type NPP units amongst them, whereas most of these Soviet type NPP units require diversification of nuclear fuel supplies.

Nuclear fuel for VVER type reactors is produced at the 4 plants in 3 countries. The diversification issue should have been resolved for of these plants through the construction of nuclear fuel fabrication plant in Ukraine. The project has passed through all preparatory stages including approval of a design solutions by the state authorities and expert organisations. Feasibility study was approved by the Government of Ukraine in 2010, and a fuel assembling equipment was manufactured by 2014.  However, in 2014 this project was frozen for uncertain time due to political situation in Ukraine.

The FEUCNF propose construction of an alternative nuclear fuel fabrication plant in Hungary. This project includes investment into a technology development and/or transfer for the Zirconium Alloys and Tubing units of the nuclear fuel manufacturing plant.

Construction of reprocessing plant for VVER and/or PWR spent fuel could be considered in case the CANDU technology would be implemented in EU and Ukraine.

<span>Nuclear Fuel<br> fabrication plant</span><br><br><span>HUNGARY </span>

Nuclear Fuel
fabrication plant


Yearly production
up to 400 tU

<span>Fuel pellets<br>manufacturing facility</span><br><br><span>IN NEGOTIATION</span>

Fuel pellets
manufacturing facility


Yearly production
up to 400 tU

<span>Zirconium Alloys &<br>Tubing Plant</span><br> <br><span>UKRAINE</span>

Zirconium Alloys &
Tubing Plant


Yearly production
up to 250 tones of Zirconium

<span>Spent fuel <br>Reprocessing Plant</span><br><br><span>IN CONSIDERATION</span>

Spent fuel
Reprocessing Plant