to ensure independent safe production and electricity supply for the European Union market by means of creation and development of the new enterprises of the nuclear fuel cycle.
to provide a comprehensive set of measures to create a closed production cycle until 2025.
In Uranium production:
To ensure the uranium raw materials extraction and production of uranium concentrate and natural uranium hexafluoride in a volume of 3000 tons of uranium per year due to the following:
In nuclear fuel production:
To ensure the production of nuclear fuel for PWR (including VVER) and CANDU up to 1000 tones per year due to the following:
In nuclear power plant construction:
Construction/ participation in the construction of NPPs in Ukraine and EU countries
In spent nuclear fuel reprocessing:
To ensure the production of nuclear fuel for CANDU-type reactor on the basis of reprocessed spent fuel of PWR/VVER reactors
In electricity supply:
To ensure the supply of electricity to the EU market in the amount of up to 30 billion kWh per year due to the following:
In Hydrogen Industry development:
Utilization of Uranium-238 in a Nuclear Fuel Cycle gives a rise to a number of outstanding issues which require sound technical solutions as well as essential safety measures. In order to avoid the above outstanding issues a hybrid fusion-fission thorium fuel cycle is proposed as an alternative with the following advantages: